What’s The Big Deal? Science Behind the Ergonomic Yoga Block
Humans have been evolving for thousands of years. It’s commonly thought that the world around us, and the tools we use, should naturally evolve as well.
As our world has changed over time, so have our daily habits. In the past, meeting our daily survival needs required us to live an activity-based lifestyle. We spent significant time and energy hunting and gathering - this regular daily activity helped to keep our bodies flexible and strong.
With the evolution of today’s world, advanced technology has allowed for modern efficiencies and increased comfort in our daily routine. This has caused a transition from activity-based to sedentary-based lifestyles. In general, decreased daily activity and increased time at our desks have wreaked havoc on our bodies. It is the persistent physical stress and strain from these prolonged static postures and repetitive movements that leads to pain and discomfort.
Hence, the birth of ergonomics - a field of study focusing on the relationship between our bodies and our immediate environment, most often the workplace. Ergonomics deals with the design of chairs, desks, keyboards, and support tools of many kinds. Examples of ergonomic designs in the workplace include shaping chairs to match the spine, raising monitors to promote better posture, and positioning the keyboard to straighten the wrists, which reduces carpal tunnel syndrome. The primary goal is to fit the work activity to the human body, not the human body to the activity. By reducing daily stressors adversely affecting our bodies this practice has proven to decrease pain and injury.
So, what does this have to do with the yoga block?
The first yoga block was invented back in the 1970’s. It’s original purpose was to assist yoga students with better body alignment in challenging positions and stretches. However, there has been no significant evolution in the shape of the yoga block in the last 50 years. And, in recent years, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of people practicing yoga. Many of these people are now experiencing yoga-related wrist pain from excessive and repetitive compression of the wrists while it’s bent backwards on the traditionally flat yoga block.
And, here’s the big deal…
The Wrist Buddy yoga block represents today’s evolution of the traditional block. Wrist Buddy is deliberately contoured to fit the natural shape of your hand and wrist position, reducing harmful compression. The traditional yoga block places the wrist in a vulnerable position bent backwards at 90 degrees. It focuses too much compression on the wrists, leading to pain or injury. The smart design of Wrist Buddy, on the other hand, improves wrist alignment toward a more neutral position. It shifts weight from the wrist to the palm for a more safe and comfortable experience. Wrist Buddy is the only truly ergonomic yoga block and supports your wrists in a stronger position for weight-bearing poses.
The block is an essential tool for yoga. With Wrist Buddy, it is now evolved in form and function to match our modern, human-centered world.